Aerospace Education Catalogue

Université Paris-Saclay


Paris-Saclay University brings together:
5 training and research units (faculties): Law - Economics - Management, Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences, Sports Sciences
3 technological university institutes: IUT of Cachan, IUT of Orsay, IUT of Sceaux
1 university engineering school: Polytech Paris-Saclay
4 major schools: CentraleSupélec, AgroParisTech, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, Institut d’Optique Graduate School
2 associate member universities: University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), University of Evry

NOTE: The multidisciplinary actions of the University of Paris-Saclay around space research and more precisely the study of atmospheres and environments, carried out using instruments on board satellites, space platforms, balloons, planes, or drones are promoted by the Paris-Saclay Center for Space Sciences: CP3S

Training course(s) proposed