Objectives: The Master is to train senior-level able to adapt to new challenges in the design of embedded systems, electronic instrumental, microsystems and management of electrical energy.
The training is based on multidisciplinary scientific fields: electronics, microelectronics, electronics and also computer, networking and automation.
The holders of the Masters course can work in sectors and strategic technologies such as aerospace, automotive, ..
Intended for: Students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: Holders of Licence (electronics, electrotechnics, computer sciences)
Targeted careers : The master's degree prepares both for research professions and for engineering design professions in fields such as: embedded systems, microsystems, instrumental electronics, wireless communication system, power electronics, electrical energy network, automatic , control-command… Careers of researchers in electronics, microsystems, electrical and automatic engineering are possible both in industry and in public research organizations.
On-board electronics (EMB):
The EMB course prepares both the research professions and the engineering design professions in the field of embedded systems, instrumental electronics, wireless communication systems of the Internet of Things with consideration operational safety constraints.
Duration and terms: 2 years
Partnerships with national organisations: Laboratoires de recherche ( Institut Jean Lamour, GREEN, SET ) various industrials
Dedicated web site: https://fst.univ-lorraine.fr/formations/master-electronique-energie-electrique-et-automatique
Dedicated web site : https://formations.univ-lorraine.fr/fr/master/2321-master-electronique-energie-electrique-et-automatique-pt-electronique-embarquee-emb.html (parcours EMB)