Objectives: ELISA Aerospace's mission is to train scientific and technical engineers, experts in systems engineering, through high-level multidisciplinary education.
The ELISA Aerospace engineer is thus prepared to respond to the challenges and issues of aeronautics, space and defense. Beyond the technical skills, the course allows the engineering student to acquire know-how and interpersonal skills, allowing him to adapt to the technological, economic and environmental challenges of the future.
The programme integrates cutting-edge knowledge and skills for
aerospace and defense, in order to respond to environmental and technological challenges
of today and tomorrow. Resolutely focused on innovation and international development, ELISA
Aerospace is distinguished by an approach focused on academic excellence, passion for
students and educational proximity.
The first two years correspond to the integrated preparatory cycle - they maintain the spirit of work and rigor of the programs of the MPSI and PSI classes, particularly in mathematics and in the branches of physics (electromagnetism, geometric and wave optics, structure of matter ).
They also offer an opening towards aeronautics and space, with a broad thematic engineering sciences (applied thermodynamics, introduction to astronautics, aeronautics, industrial design and CAD, programming).
The engineering cycle program (last three years) allows students to acquire solid skills in the scientific and technological fields necessary for the design, implementation and maintenance of aeronautical and space systems: mechanical, aerodynamic, propulsion, automatic , electronics, IT, dependability.
The engineering student chooses one of the three options in the second year of the engineering cycle (ELISA 4):
• Missile engineering and space systems (ISA)
• Aeronautical systems engineering (IM2S)
• Engineering of Drones and collaborative autonomous systems (IDSAC)
Intended for: Students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: General baccalaureate Mathematics specialty + scientific specialty or baccalaureate with 2 scientific options + complementary mathematics option/.Bac STI2D and STL
Duration and terms: 5 years scientific specialties
Notes: - 12 months internship in a firm either in France or in a foreign country (including 17 weeks of international experience required in ELISA 4)
* ELISA Aerospace:
-Develop synergies with other schools of engineering and science universities, both in terms of teaching and research.
Member of the ISAE Group as a partner school.
Member of the ASTECH Pole, of the ALTYTUD Cluster, and the Aerospace Valley Cluster
Member of "Union des Grandes Ecoles Indépendantes", and of the CRGE.
EESPIG labelled
Accredited by the CTI
Partner of the French Air and Space Force, ONERA, the French Navy, Euratechnologies, Laroche Industries, Groupe Blondel, l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, l’Université Federico II
de Naples, TSI Riga, Politecnico di Torino…
Dedicated web site: http://www.elisa-aerospace.fr/cursus-ingenieur/