Objectives: The training provided at ENSPIMA complements the “design” and “production” engineering training and aims to make the link between the two in order to optimize the costs linked to future maintenance operations.
The course at ENSPIMA lasts 3 years, or 6 semesters, 2 of which can be completed in another French or foreign higher education establishment. Scientific training is concentrated on the first three semesters of the course in order to provide engineering students with a solid scientific and technical foundation, essential for understanding the different facets of their future profession.
The courses are structured around 8 themes:
Maintenance, repair and overhaul
Maintained in operational condition
Aeronautical and space structures
Human and Social Sciences & Engineering Sciences
Aeronautical, space and defense culture
Aeronautical and space systems
Maintenance of the future
Digital for maintenance
These themes constitute the general basis of the training, broken down into teaching modules.
From semester 8, 2 specialization courses:
Aeronautical structures
Aeronautical systems
Intended for: Students, Continuing Education, Validation of Experience
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Prerequisites: Level : CPGE (MP, PSI, PT, TSI), DUT (GMP, GEII, MP) Scientific licence (GMP, Math Info, ...)
Admission requirements: CPGE (MP, PSI, PT, TSI), DUT (GMP, GEII, MP), Scientific licence (GMP, Math Info, ...) or equivalent
Acquired skills during the training : o Design, plan, implement and improve maintenance and modification programs for civil or military aircraft and associated equipment, including intervening in the engineering phases (preventive and predictive maintenance), in compliance with contractual terms
o Use and apply the international regulations established by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in order to guarantee the safety of passengers and the territories overflown
o Use and apply the regulations established by the European Military Airworthiness Requiremen (EMARs) in order to guarantee aeronautical safety during missions
o Mobilize a wide field of fundamental and technical sciences related to mechanical or avionics systems and have the associated analysis and synthesis capacity
o Design, size, implement and test metal or composite repairs and / or modifications
o Design, size, carry out and test repairs and / or modifications of on-board systems in an aircraft
o Have a global, systemic approach to mechanical or avionics systems
o Reasoning in a context of international regulatory constraints
o Integrate financial, legal and contractual dimensions into your engineering practice
o Be results-oriented (costs, deadlines, quality) and customer satisfaction
o Communicate and work in a team;
o Manage and animate a work unit or a project group
o Integrate into an international professional environment
o Evaluate and manage your own skills and manage your professional career
Targeted careers : The aeronautics, space and defense industries and associated service companies. This includes the major contractors and system providers up to mid-sized companies and SMEs, specialized in the study, development, production, marketing and maintenance of all aeronautical and space programs and equipment:
o Civil or military aeronautical maintenance engineer
o Civil aviation customer support engineer
o Engineer responsible for monitoring military aeronautical contracts
o Design office engineer: Mechanical systems
o Design office engineer: Avionics systems
Duration and terms: The duration of the training is 3 years.
A period of compulsory international mobility, carried out in semester 7 in a university with an aeronautical and / or space college offering courses in English, is required for the validation of the diploma.
Two specialization courses are offered:
o Mechanical aeronautical and space systems;
o Avionics and space systems.
Three compulsory internships are carried out during the 3 years of training: introductory internship (4 to 8 weeks in semester 6), application internship (12 to 16 weeks in semester 8) and end-of-studies internship (20 to 24 weeks in semester 10). At least one of the two internships, application or end of study, must be carried out in a company.
Notes: The RNCP file number is: RNCP35381
For VAE, the candidate must hold a license, a master's degree 1 or 2 in a scientific field or at least a bac + 2 level diploma (BTS, DUT ...) or equivalent and have at least three years of professional experience in the relevant field.
Partnerships with national organisations: Bordeaux University
International partnerships: Multiple
Dedicated web site: https://enspima.bordeaux-inp.fr/fr/formation-enspima#group-formation-node-formation-full4