Aerospace Education Catalogue

Master 2 professionnel en Management International du Transport Aérien et du Tourisme (MITAT)

  • Organisation: Université de Toulouse - Faculté Sciences et Ingénierie
    (Université de Toulouse)
  • Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning
  • Language(s): English
  • Place: Toulouse (French Regions: Occitanie)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Master or DNM: French National Master Degree
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 4

Course Details

Objectives: The Master2 International Management of Air Transport and Tourism is designed to provide you with the skills required to pursue a successful career in various sectors of the air transport and tourism industry.

The Master 2 MITAT courses cover a wide area of expertise related to both Air Transport Management and International Tourism Management whilst enabling you to specialize in appropriate subject areas.

With lessons taught by expert speakers in their field and highly qualified professionals, the Master 2 MITAT brings to participants a specific field of expertise, analytical vision of the tourism industry and air transport as well as practical tools essential for their future profession. Courses are taught in English to ensure fluency of the language. This training is an innovative concept and opens opportunities for international candidates.

Intended for: Students or professionals who want to specialize in air transportation and tourism sector.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Prerequisites: French language is not compulsory as the classes are in English (B2 level required, as specified by the European Council).

Admission requirements: 24- 30 students join the course per year. The selection criteria are based on a students’ application forms and the following qualifications:

- Master 1’s or equivalent degree in the following areas: Applied foreign languages; marketing; communication; management; environment; informatics; telecommunication and computer systems; economics; hospitality; tourism; aerospace; …
- Professionals re-skilling or participating in lifelong learning.
- Professionals participating in lifelong learning through a French accredited fund collecting agency (OPCA) or through a company's training programme.

Duration and terms: One Year

Dedicated web site:


  • System Engineering, Programme Management, Production


  • 16 - Systems Engineering and Innovation: Modeling, Simulation, MBSE (model based system engineering), Operational Safety, Quality, Product Assurance, Qualification, Validation and Verification, Certification, Management of Innovation, Analysis and Creation of Value, New Space…
  • 17 - Programme and Production Management: Project Management, Lean, Industrialization, Life Cycle, Ecodesign, Supply Chain, Assembly Line, Digital Transformation, Factory of the Future, Integration, Maintenance, Recycling, etc.