Catalogue des formations supérieures aérospatiales

Master of Science Automation and Control Engineering

  • Organisme: Politecnico di Milano
  • Type de formation : Formation initiale
  • Langue(s) utilisée(s) pour la formation : Anglais
  • Lieu : Campus Milano Leonardo, Italie (Région : Europe)
  • Diplôme préparé/grade/titre : MSc : Master of Sciences (international)
  • Niveau d'entrée : Bac + 3

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The role of Automation Engineering is to design, develop, and manage, equipment that makes the operation of machines, processes, plants, and networks for the distribution of goods and the deployment of services, independent, as far as possible, from the direct intervention of the human. Automation Engineering allows to both increase functionality and value of equipment and machinery, and to design systems able to perform strenuous and repetitive tasks, sometimes in hostile environments. The increasing adoption of automation in industry and society is due to the technological development in the traditional engineering areas (mechanics, electrical engineering, energy, aerospace) and to their integration with the more advanced information technologies (control and automation, electronics, computer science, and telecommunications). The MSc programme in Automation and Control Engineering aims at training specialists in the design, implementation, and operation, of automation systems characterized by a strong technological content. Graduate education is characterized by a solid background on fundamentals as well as by high interdisciplinary skills. Furthermore, in the MSc programme specific topics of growing interest are addressed, including:

the automation of systems for energy production, both traditional (power plants, hydroelectric plants, ...) and based on renewable sources (wind, solar, biomasses,...);
automation of vehicles (cars, motorcycles, high-performance trains, ...);
robotic systems, both employed in the industrial sector (automated production lines) and in special applications, such as autonomous agents that operate in contexts that are potentially dangerous to humans.

Public concerné : Students

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Durée et modalités : 2 ans

Site web dédié :

Site web dédié : (site dédié)


  • Sciences et Techniques de l'Ingénierie
  • Applications, Exploitation


  • 3 - Génie Mécanique (dimensionnement et dynamique des structures…), Matériaux (composites, métallurgie, mise en forme, …), Procédés, Chimie, Mécatronique
  • 4 - Thermique (échanges, contrôle thermique…), Energétique
  • 7 - Génie Electrique (fourniture et gestion de l’énergie électrique, architectures), Actuateurs, Microsystèmes
  • 8 - Avionique et Systèmes Embarqués (réseaux embarqués, capteurs, instrumentation…), Systèmes Temps Réel
  • 10 - Automatique, Robotique, Pilotage, Guidage, Systèmes Autonomes
  • 14 - Transports, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Mobilité, Véhicules, Drones
  • 17 - Gestion de projets, Production, Industrialisation, Usine du futur, Intégration, Circuit Logistique, Maintenance, Recyclage
  • 21 - Gestion/Protection des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement, Infrastructures