Catalogue des formations supérieures aérospatiales

MSc in Intelligent Systems and Robotics

  • Organisme: DMU - De Montfort University Leicester
  • Type de formation : Formation initiale
  • Langue(s) utilisée(s) pour la formation : Anglais
  • Lieu : Leicester, UK (Région : Europe)
  • Diplôme préparé/grade/titre : MSc : Master of Sciences (international)
  • Niveau d'entrée : Bac + 3

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : Capitalising on the recent growth in interest in artificial intelligence and intelligent robotics, this course aims to provide you with knowledge of the various models of computational intelligence, skills in the associated computational techniques, an insight into their theoretical basis and the ability to apply these techniques to a wide variety of problems. There are two similar courses within the department providing you with the flexibility to tailor your learning style and subjects specifically to your requirements. You may also be interested in Intelligent Systems MSc which offers additional learning in data mining.

Computational intelligence encompasses the techniques and methods used to tackle problems not well solved by traditional approaches to computing. The four areas of fuzzy logic, neural networks, evolutionary computing and knowledge-based systems encompass much of what is considered to be computational (or artificial) intelligence. There are opportunities to use these techniques in many application areas such as robot control and games development depending on your interests.

Public concerné : Students

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Conditions d'admission (diplômes) : You should have the equivalent of a British Honours degree (2:2 minimum) in a relevant subject or five years’ work experience in an appropriate field.

We are happy to consider equivalent qualifications from anywhere in the world.

Durée et modalités : One year full-time

Site web dédié :


  • Sciences et Techniques de l'Ingénierie


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