Catalogue des formations supérieures aérospatiales

Japan-Europe Master on Advanced Robotics (JEMARO) - an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

  • Organisme: ECN Nantes
  • Type de formation : Formation initiale
  • Langue(s) utilisée(s) pour la formation : Anglais
  • Lieu : Varsovie, Nantes, Gênes, Keio (Région : Multisites)
  • Diplôme préparé/grade/titre : European Master ou Master Européen
  • Niveau d'entrée : Bac + 3
  • Cette formation est inscrite au RNCP / RS

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The Japan-Europe Master on Advanced Robotics (JEMARO) is a 2-year integrated programme (120 ECTS or 30 Japanese Credits) between all the members of the consortium and its goal is to allow students to better understand different perspectives in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (related to both academia and industry) across Europe (France, Italy and Poland) and Japan. This will be achieved by developing common strategies for knowledge sharing and for enforcing the quality of education in Advanced Robotics.
Partners are:
Centrale Nantes, France
Keio University, Japan
University of Genoa, Italy
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Compétences acquises durant la formation : - In-depth scientific and technical knowledge of Robotics and related AI topics and the skills to use this knowledge effectively.
- Capacity to master modern techniques in developing and designing innovative and autonomous robotic systems such as modelling, simulation, optimisation, analysis, decision-making and control.
- Capacity to work both independently and in multidisciplinary teams, interacting effectively with specialists and taking initiatives where necessary.
- Capacity to communicate effectively (through both written and oral presentations) in an international context,
- Capacity to adopt the most suitable methods for the problem at hand and select the technological components needed to implement the proposed solution.?
- Capacity to transfer high tech methodology from university to industry.

The JEMARO Master's course has gained strong support from the industrial and academic worlds, evidence of the strong relevance of this type of international cooperation in teaching and research at the graduate level.

Commentaires : Students who graduate from the JEMARO master’s course will obtain two master's degrees, one from a European country and the other from Japan (Keio University). The degrees are officially recognised and give full access to PhD study programmes.

Site web dédié :


  • Sciences et Techniques de l'Ingénierie


  • 7 - Systèmes Embarqués/Cyberphysiques : Réseaux embarqués, Systèmes Temps Réel, Méthodes formelles, Logiciels embarqués, Avionique, Instrumentation...
  • 10 - Automatique et Robotique : Systèmes linéaires, Identification, Optimisation, Commande et Contrôle, Filtrage, Automatique non-linéaire, Pilotage, Systèmes Autonomes...
  • 11 - Sciences du Numérique et des Données : Mathématiques Appliquées, Traitement Signal et Image, Cryptographie, Intelligence Artificielle (apprentissage, traitement des masses de données...), Informatique, Cloud, Ingénierie du logiciel, Réalité virtuelle, Virtualisation, Jumeaux numériques, Metavers...