Catalogue des formations supérieures aérospatiales

Bachelor of Engineering Aviation Engineering / Aviation Management (B.Eng.) - dual degree programme

  • Organisme: Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
  • Type de formation : Formation initiale - Formation en alternance ou apprentissage
  • Langue(s) utilisée(s) pour la formation : Allemand
  • Lieu : Wildau (Allemagne) (Région : Europe)
  • Diplôme préparé/grade/titre : Bachelor (France)
  • Niveau d'entrée : Bac + 0

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The globalised economy requires air traffic systems that span the globe, transporting both people and goods quickly, safely and economically to their destination. Safety, reliability, performance and efficiency are heavily dependent on whether the system and its processes are appropriately designed, optimised and further developed. It is therefore essential to deal intensively with the functionality, safety and reliability of the technical systems and their various elements as well as the abilities and motivation of the people involved in the processes.

This degree programme aims to provide students with a broad knowledge of aviation engineering, the application and operation of aircraft, airports and flight safety systems as well as their production, maintenance and repair.

Upon completion of this degree programme, graduates will be able to evaluation the complex relationships between the various components within the context of the entire air traffic system and the effects they have upon one another. Graduates of the Bachelor's programme will have a general understanding of the various areas within aviation with a solid overview of how everything works together.

This Bachelor's degree programme serves a foundation for subsequent specialisation without losing sight of aviation complexity.

The Aviation Engineering/ Aviation Management Bachelor's degree programme is divided into four areas:

Area 1: mathematical and scientific foundations with a focus on mathematics, information technology, thermodynamics, electrodynamics/electronics and material engineering
Area 2: subject-specific foundations with a focus on production processes, measurement and sensor technology as well as the foundations of aviation technology
Area 3: more in-depth technical study of the physics of flight, aircraft equipment, aircraft maintenance, flight safety, airport operations and aviation planning
Area 4: multi-disciplinary studies of business administration, aviation law, quality management and human factors

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 6 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Durée et modalités : 4 years
dual degree programme with integrated vocational training

Site web dédié :


  • Sciences et Techniques de l'Ingénierie
  • Sciences humaines et sociales


  • 2 - Dynamique et Cinématique : Référentiels, Mécanique du vol, Trajectographie, Mécanique spatiale, Perturbations, Restitution d'orbite, Contrôle d'attitude et d'orbite, Rendez-vous, Vol en formation, Constellations, Trajectoires Interplanétaires...
  • 4 - Thermodynamique, Propulsion, Energétique : Machines Thermiques, Transfert et Contrôle Thermique, Cryogénie, Pyrotechnie, Moteurs, Carburants verts/SAF, Hydrogène, Energies renouvelables...
  • 5 - Dynamique des Fluides : Fluides et écoulements, Aérodynamique, Aérothermodynamique, Acoustique, Hydraulique...
  • 6 - Génie Electrique : Génération et stockage de l'énergie électrique, Conversion, Régulation, Electronique de puissance, Actuateurs, Propulsion électrique Microsystèmes, Mécatronique...
  • 14 - Véhicules Aéronautiques et Spatiaux : Aéronefs, Ballons, Drones, Lanceurs, Satellites, Cubsats, Plateformes haute altitude, Atterrisseurs, Rovers, Vols habités,...
  • 17 - Gestion de Programme et Production : Gestion de projets, Lean, Cycle de vie Industrialisation, Ecoconception, Circuit Logistique/Supply Chain, Assemblage, Transformation numérique, Usine du futur, Intégration, Maintenance, Recyclage,...
  • 18 - Infrastructures et Opérations des Systèmes Aérospatiaux : Plateformes aéroportuaires, Bases de lancement, Centres de contrôle, Gestion du trafic aérien et spatial, Services en orbite, Exploitation, Planification, Interfaces homme-machine, Facteurs Humains...