Catalogue des formations supérieures aérospatiales

Masters degrees - both in aeronautics energy and environment

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The students in the IntREE graduate school will acquire a solid background in various topics, ranging from fundamental to applied sciences. The GS-program is designed to include hands-on laboratory experiences during the two years of Master to strengthen the student’s capability to learn actively, think independently, and work in team. The students will also be exposed to the latest developments in industrial R&D through courses given by industrial partners and internships.

The IntREE students will be enrolled into appropriate Master which ensure the fundamental teachings used within their disciplines (named “CORE” courses). In addition specific common courses will be delivered by researcher or industrial partners.

In addition to their diploma/degree, the students will receive the GS-IntREE label certification attesting to the excellence of research-based training in the area of « Interfaces ».

The University of Poitiers and the two engineering schools currently propose 6 various divisions of Master degree strongly connected with the research laboratories.
Aeronautics and Space
Earth Science
Engineering Conception
Materials Science

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Site web dédié :


  • Sciences et Techniques de l'Ingénierie


  • 3 - Génie Mécanique et Matériaux : Mécanique des solides, Dynamique des structures, Composites, Métallurgie, Mise en forme, Fabrication additive, Métamatériaux, Procédés, Plasturgie, Chimie, Polymères, Traitement de surface...
  • 4 - Thermodynamique, Propulsion, Energétique : Machines Thermiques, Transfert et Contrôle Thermique, Cryogénie, Pyrotechnie, Moteurs, Carburants verts/SAF, Hydrogène, Energies renouvelables...
  • 6 - Génie Electrique : Génération et stockage de l'énergie électrique, Conversion, Régulation, Electronique de puissance, Actuateurs, Propulsion électrique Microsystèmes, Mécatronique...
  • 21 - Gestion des Ressources et des Risques : Protection des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement, Aménagement du Territoire, Biodiversité, Risques, Sécurité des biens et des personnes, Surveillance de l'Espace...