Catalogue des formations supérieures aérospatiales

MOOC Earth Observation from Space: the Optical View

  • Organisme: ESA
  • Type de formation : Formation continue - Formation en ligne (mooc, spoc, wikis...)
  • Langue(s) utilisée(s) pour la formation : Anglais
  • Lieu : cours en ligne
  • Diplôme préparé/grade/titre : Attestation

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : Discover how optical Earth observation data is gathered and used in this free online course from the European Space Agency (ESA).

Optical EO technology, terminology and the types of data products available
The use of optical EO to observe, measure and conserve the land surface and what lives on it
Monitoring the atmosphere and oceans with satellite EO technology
Monitoring rapid changes, natural disasters and humanitarian issues
How to access, process and work with optical EO data
How satellite data is used alongside other forms of measurement
The main types of data acquired through the Copernicus programme and other satellite missions
The use of optical EO data in a range of scientific, policy and decision-making areas, in conjunction with models

Public concerné : personnes ayant des connaissances dans l'observation de la terre et nouveaux dans ce domaine.

Compétences acquises durant la formation : By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

Explore how we observe and measure the Earth with optical sensors
Investigate how satellite data is used alongside other forms of measurement
Describe the main types of data acquired through Copernicus and other missions
Explore how to conduct simple analysis using a range of different types of optical Earth observation (EO) data
Investigate how optical EO data is used in policy and decision-making, in a range of arenas, in conjunction with models

Durée et modalités : 5 semaines, 4 heures par semaine

Commentaires : This course isn't running right now. We can email you when it starts again

Site web dédié :


  • Applications, Exploitation


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