Catalogue des formations supérieures aérospatiales

Master 2 Mobile, Autonomous and Robotic Systems (MARS)

  • Organismes :
  • Type de formation : Formation initiale
  • Langue(s) utilisée(s) pour la formation : Anglais
  • Lieu : Grenoble (Région : Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)
  • Diplôme préparé/grade/titre : Master ou DNM : Diplôme National de Master
  • Niveau d'entrée : Bac + 4
  • VAE (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience) : Non

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The Master degree in Robotics and Autonomous Systems aims at offering an international master program that allows a better understanding of technical and scientific aspects of connected and autonomous mobile robotic systems and to understand their interactions.

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Conditions d'admission (diplômes) : Applicants must have previously completed their undergraduate studies and been awarded a Bachelor degree in either Science (BSc) or Engineering (BEng) in a field related to Robotics, such as:
• Mechatronics,
• Automatic control,
• Computer science,
• Electrical engineering,
• Mechanical engineering,
• Applied mathematics.

Applicants selection is done on the basis of prior academic and/or scientific achievement as documented by academic transcripts, a cover letter, references, and standardized test scores. Students from countries where English language is not the primary language are required to provide TOEFL test scores. To get master degree, admitted students must obtain the certified level B2.

Compétences acquises durant la formation : At the end of the curriculum, students are able to :
• Design, model, simulate, and propose technical specifications
• Perform, analyze tests, and optimize the performance of robotic system
• Derive and apply global and local numerical models
• Conceive prototypes, new products or new processes. Implement hardware and software architectures
• Propose and conduct an applied research project for robotic, autonomous systems

Métiers et activité professionnelle visés : Control and Automation Specialist
• Robotic Navigation and Perception Specialist,
• AI and Machine Learning Specialist,
• Robotics Engineer, • Academic Career

Durée et modalités : 1 an

Partenariat(s) français : Gipsa-lab, LIG

Site web dédié :

Site web dédié : ()


  • Sciences et Techniques de l'Ingénierie
  • Applications, Exploitation


  • 10 - Automatique et Robotique : Systèmes linéaires, Identification, Optimisation, Commande et Contrôle, Filtrage, Automatique non-linéaire, Pilotage, Systèmes Autonomes...
  • 14 - Véhicules Aéronautiques et Spatiaux : Aéronefs, Ballons, Drones, Lanceurs, Satellites, Cubsats, Plateformes haute altitude, Atterrisseurs, Rovers, Vols habités,...