Catalogue des formations supérieures aérospatiales

Master of Sciences in Geodesy and Cartography

  • Organisme: Warsaw University of Technology
  • Type de formation : Formation initiale
  • Langue(s) utilisée(s) pour la formation :
  • Lieu : Warsaw (Pologne) (Région : Europe)
  • Diplôme préparé/grade/titre : MSc : Master of Sciences (international)
  • Niveau d'entrée : Bac + 3

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : Geodesy is historically the science of surveying the Earth and presenting its image in the form of maps related to cartography. Modern geodesy and cartography is still the field of science related to surveying, but with the use of many observational techniques starting with geodesy and geodynamics through satellite and airborne photogrammetric imaging, remote sensing techniques to classic ground-based surveying and legal aspects of cadastral and property management. The variety of Earth observation techniques is constantly increasing the role of a surveyors and cartographers as those who can integrate all these data, providing precise spatial location and georeferenced and is able to present and interpret occurring phenomena.

Geodesy and Cartography – the Second Cycle

7 specializations in full-time studies:
Geodesy and Satellite Navigation
Engineering and Industrial Surveying
Cadastre and Real Estate Management
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
Spatial Information Systems
Mobile Mapping and Navigation Systems (in English)

3 specializations in part-time studies:
Engineering surveying
Cadaster and spatial information systems
Satellite technologies in geodesy Geodesy

Public concerné : Students

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Durée et modalités : 4 semesters
course in Polish

Commentaires : Geodesy and Cartography – the First Cycle (Bachelor of Engineering)
general course in full-time studies
specialization: Surveying and Spatial Information Systems in part-time studies

Site web dédié :


  • Sciences et Techniques de l'Ingénierie
  • Applications, Exploitation


  • 11 - Sciences du Numérique et des Données : Mathématiques Appliquées, Traitement Signal et Image, Cryptographie, Intelligence Artificielle (apprentissage, traitement des masses de données...), Informatique, Cloud, Ingénierie du logiciel, Réalité virtuelle, Virtualisation, Jumeaux numériques, Metavers...
  • 13 - Localisation, Positionnement, Mobilité : Navigation, Guidage, Moyens Radioélectriques (ILS, VOR...), GNSS, Location Based Services (LBS), Mobilité, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Transports...
  • 15 - Observation de la Terre : Télédétection, Détecteurs, Radars, Synthèse d'ouverture, Lidars, Systèmes d'Information Géographiques (SIG), Distribution/dissémination, Géomatique...