Aerospace Education Catalogue

Master Géomatique (GéoM)

Course Details

Objectives: The master Geomatics aims to train specialists in geographic information sciences and their applications in the fields of the Territories and the environment.
The Master Geomatics is co-accredited between AgroParisTech, the University of Montpellier and Paul Valéry University.
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Computer Aided Mapping (CAD)
- Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
- Remote sensing
- Spatial Analysis
- Webmapping
- Statistics and field investigations ...

This expertise within different disciplines is increasingly a prerequisite for integrating the sectors of spatial planning.

With the acquisition of methodological skills adds a necessary deepening in the following thematic areas (optional):
- Transport policy and spatial planning
- Information, Mapping and Web
- GIS in local government
- Spatial Imagery and management of renewable resources

It is this dual expertise, methodological and thematic, now sought by recruiters.

The search path allows for him to prepare doctoral students. It places particular emphasis on the new questions posed by the development of Geomatics in the scientific and professional world.

Intended for: Students

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements: Master 1
The Master Geomatics is intended for students in geography or computer having a license or equivalent.
The licenses that provide access of right M1:
- Geography Degree
- License Landscaping
- Computer Science

Master 2
To access the master 2, it is necessary that the first year of the Masters is validated in the field. Access is on file.

Acquired skills during the training : The objective of the "Geomatics" master's degree is to train students to master the methods and tools (in particular digital: GIS, CAD, CAD, Webmapping, DEM, Remote sensing, Spatial analysis, etc.) necessary for the development of a project. territorial which mobilizes planning and development actors, both within the framework of local authorities and public policies and in the private sector (large groups with territorial activity, design offices). Information systems (IS) and geographic information (GI), through their capacity to represent and model the territory, to integrate and allow analysis of data from various disciplines, are taking an increasingly important place within territorial projects and serve the actors within the framework of their reflection and their action within these territories and at different geographical levels.

The training is structured along three axes:
- Meaning and interpretation of geographic information, understanding of spatial structures and dynamics, of the demands of planning actors, of the territorial challenges of public action;
- Design, implementation and operation of information systems mobilizing geographic information;
- Applications: uses of geographic information in different areas of land management and governance.

Targeted careers : The mastery of methods and tools combined with the territorial project and the actors lead graduates towards multiple professional orientations which go beyond the only thematic orientations set up in the course: GIS in local authorities, transport, imagery and resources, even if these sectors are very promising (local authorities, transport planning and management organizations, digital cartography).
Today, geomatics is identified as a “sector of the future” (APEC study, 2013), affecting many sectors with strong economic stakes (planning, environment and biodiversity, risks, communication, precision agriculture, geomarketing ).

Duration and terms: 4 semesters (2 if direct acces to M2)

Dedicated web site:


  • Applications, Operations
  • Human and Social Sciences


  • 11 - Data Sciences: Applied Mathematics, Signal and Image Processing, Cryptography, Artificial Intelligence (machine learning, big data, etc.), Computer Science, Cloud, Software Engineering, Virtual Reality, Virtualization, Digital Twins, Metaverse, etc.
  • 14 - Aeronautical and Space Vehicles: Aircraft, Balloons, Drones, Launch vehicles, Satellites, Cubsats, High Altitude Platforms, Landers, Rovers, Manned Flights, etc.
  • 15 - Earth Observation: Remote Sensing, Detectors, Radar, Synthetic Aperture, Lidar, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Distribution/Dissemination, Geomatics...
  • 21 - Resource and Risk Management: Protection of Natural Resources and Environment, Land Use Planning, Biodiversity, Risks, Safety of Property and People, Space Surveillance and Situational Awareness, etc.