Objectives: to give fundamental knowledge in:
- Remote Sensing, Satellite Image processing (optical and radar)
- Modelisation and Geogaphical Information Processing (vector or raster), and restitution in the form of maps or database.
- Automatic spatial and spatio-temporal analysis of vector geographical data
This Master also aims to enable to the student to:
- Design methods for collecting and analysing geographical information for a specific problem, based on on the state of the art and using the main usual software (spatial image processing softwares and Geographic Information Systems).
- Develop automatic treatments for Geographic Information System or image processing softwares.
Intended for: Students holding an Master 1 degree with knowledge or skills in a scientific field.
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Prerequisites: For academic training: having validated a Master 1 in a scientific field or hold a diploma or a course that could lead to equivalence.
For training: professional experience of many years in the field of geographic information.......
Admission requirements: Application and interview reviewed by a review panel
Duration and terms: 2 semesters (60 ECTS)
Notes: This training is co-empowered by UPEM and ENSG.
Partnerships with national organisations: LaSTIG, CESBIO, CNES, MNHN, PRODIG,
Dedicated web site: https://ensg.eu/fr/formation-initiale/master-2-information-geographique-analyse-spatiale-et-teledetection