Aerospace Education Catalogue

Ingénieur Polytech Lyon - spécialité Mécanique

  • Organisation: Polytech Lyon
    (Université de Lyon)
  • Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning
  • Language(s): French
  • Place: Villeurbanne (French Regions: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Diplôme d’ingénieur (French national engineering degree)
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 3

Course Details

Objectives: Polytech Lyon aims to train and certify engineers in the specialty "mechanical" able to manage the organizational, economic, financial, human and technical project within the scope of a mechanical engineer. The mechanical engineer is involved in effect in a wide range of tasks that vary according to the position held and the nature of the business, ranging from the development, design and development tools, parts and engines, machines and other mechanical tools, for the manufacture of many products of daily life: transportation, consumer goods, capital goods, appliances.

Intended for: Students

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements: Master programs - Out alternating training
- Students in class preparing for the Grandes Ecoles
- 1st grad student (L2, L3 of a Bachelors course, DUT, DEUG)
- Studying in 2nd university cycle (M1) or equivalent
.You Have at least 3 years professional experience for continuing education

Master programs - alternating training:
Young people under 26 years old after a DUT or BTS computer, a computer license.
Admission by application + maintenance + company approved by the head teacher

Duration and terms: 3 years

Partnerships with national organisations: Renault Trucks, Areva, EDF, Eurocopter, Airbus

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences


  • 3 - Mechanical and Materials Engineering: Solid Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Composites, Metallurgy, Forming, Additive Manufacturing, Metamaterials, Processes, Plastics, Chemistry, Polymers, Surface Treatment, etc.
  • 17 - Programme and Production Management: Project Management, Lean, Industrialization, Life Cycle, Ecodesign, Supply Chain, Assembly Line, Digital Transformation, Factory of the Future, Integration, Maintenance, Recycling, etc.