Objectives: A polyvalent engineer in the field of engineering mechanical and mechatronic systems, opto-acoustic-electronic and microtechnology microsystems.
Opportunities in advanced industrial sectors: automotive, aeronautics and space, telecommunications, biomedical, instrumentation, energy, environment.
Rewarding features and motivating salary.
A curriculum focusing immersion companies and international openness
Benefiting from the training site research potential TEMIS (Technopole Microtechnology and Scientific Besançon).
Intended for: Students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: SUPMICROTECH Engineer in initial training: Training accessible to students in Preparatory Classes for Grandes Écoles (MP, PC, PSI, PT, TSI sections), through the Concours Communs Polytechniques (CCINP), or to students from a CPES course or holding a BUT, a BTS (+ATS), a Bachelor's degree or a 1st year Master's degree, by admission based on qualifications and interviews.
SUPMICROTECH Engineer through continuing education: Training accessible
to holders of a Bac + 2 type diploma (DUT, BUT, BTS or Bachelor's degree 2), with at least two
years of professional experience, after admission based on qualifications and interviews.
SUPMICROTECH engineer via VAE: Training accessible to holders of a BAC+2 or higher diploma (DUT, BUT, BTS, Bachelor's or Master's) with at least three years of professional experience in the field of engineering, after an orientation interview.
Duration and terms: 3 Years
Dedicated web site: https://www.supmicrotech.fr/fr/formation-initiale
Dedicated web site : https://www.supmicrotech.fr/fr/formation-tout-au-long-de-la-vie (VAE)