Objectives: The programme provides a preparation particularly focused on issues of design, operation and maintenance of aircraft and their on-board systems. The objective is to prepare highly culturally and professionally qualified technicians able to carry out and manage activities related to research and design in the fields of aerodynamics, materials, lightweight structures, aircraft systems and aerospace propulsion in national and international contexts, both in autonomy or in cooperation.
Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics and Systems, Propulsion, Structures, Rotary-wing Aircrafts.
Mandatory courses
Aerodynamics, Flight Dynamics, Aerospace Structures, Dynamics and Control of Flexible Aircraft.
Other courses
Aircraft Structural Analysis; Aircraft Engines; Experimental Fluid Dynamics; Aerospace Technologies and Materials; Design of Wind Turbines; Combustion Processes in Thermochemical Propulsion; Design of Aerospace Structures; Rotor Aerodynamics; Compressible Fluid Dynamics; Advanced Aerospace Control; Aeroservoelasticity; Aircraft Instrumentation; Aircraft Design; Management of Aerospace Projects; Communication skills; Final Thesis
Intended for: Students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Dedicated web site: https://www.polimi.it/en/education/laurea-magistrale-programmes/programme-detail/aeronautical-engineering
Dedicated web site : https://www.aero.polimi.it/en/study-programmes (site dédié)