Aerospace Education Catalogue

Master DET Dynamique des Fluides, Énergétique et Transferts

Course Details

Objectives: The DET course offers multidisciplinary scientific training in the disciplinary fields of fluid mechanics and structures and energetics by covering application sectors of aeronautics, space and transport as well as the environment, health, building and energy.

Intended for: Students

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements: Access to M2 is ipso jure for students from the M1 Mécanique-Énergétique, common with MSME and MV courses. Access is on file (with an interview if necessary) in all other cases.
The registration request procedure is described on the Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier University website.

Acquired skills during the training : Operational, scientific and technical skills are based on a mastery of fundamental knowledge of the field (theories and concepts) and methods (approach and tools) to be implemented for the resolution of problems arising from industry or academic research.

Targeted careers : The training rather oriented towards research and development allows graduates to have access to engineering or managerial positions in industry, in a design office or in research and development, and also allows them to pursue their project. professional within the framework of a doctoral thesis with a perspective on research professions, in an academic framework (researcher, teacher-researcher) or industrial (engineer-researcher, R&D engineer).

Duration and terms: 1 year

Partnerships with national organisations: ISAE-SUPAERO

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences


  • 4 - Thermodynamics, Propulsion, Energy: Thermal Machines, Thermal Transfer and Control, Cryogenics, Pyrotechnics, Engines, Green Fuels/SAF, Hydrogen, Renewable Energies...
  • 5 - Fluid Physics: Fluids, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, Acoustics, Hydraulics...
  • 11 - Data Sciences: Applied Mathematics, Signal and Image Processing, Cryptography, Artificial Intelligence (machine learning, big data, etc.), Computer Science, Cloud, Software Engineering, Virtual Reality, Virtualization, Digital Twins, Metaverse, etc.