Aerospace Education Catalogue

ECATA (European Consortium for Advanced Training in Aerospace)

  • Organisations :
  • Type of Course: Life-long learning
  • Language(s): English
  • Place: alternatively: in 3 cities each year
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: DU or DE: Specific French University/Higher Education Institute one-year diploma (other acronyms: DES, DSP, DESA, DESU, DESUT)
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 5

Course Details

Objectives: The Aerospace Business Integration Programme (ECATA ABI course) provides dedicated and unique training opportunities specifically aimed at the future leaders of aerospace businesses.
A first block of lectures aims at providing a global comprehensive overview of the moving Aerospace Business environment. The second block illustrates the design and development of a complex product together with the main methodologies and tools involved in the integration process.
Block 3 deals with the methods to be used for Programme Management within aerospace companies operating in a multinational environment for the development of large and costly aerospace programmes.
A series of seminars aim at allowing the ECATA delegates in reaching one of the goals of the course: the ability to work effi ciently in multinational teams, an asset of critical importance for successful development of programmes with international cooperation.
The corner stone of the programme is the Multinational Team Project that gives the delegates at no risk (neither personal nor for the employer), the opportunity to practise project management, teamwork and leadership in a multicultural and multicompany environment similar to the real professional life (different nationalities and company working practices, milestones, customer pressure, etc.).
The ECATA ABI course is conducted each year between January and April, during 10 weeks off the job training at three different ECATA universities (different countries). The course is organized in three intensive residential sessions, participants returning to their home workplace in between.
ECATA is an innovative lab for training and experimenting new tools and capabilities for learning in industry. Indeed innovative learning methods based on more than twenty years experience have been developed by the Consortium who delivers also the content, supported by players from the operational, regulatory and research world.
The cooperation and partnership of leading companies and universities, together with the diversity of the ECATA trainees, offers an unique opportunity to build and develop an international personal and business network across organizations, borders and professional functions.

Intended for: Experienced Engineers in the aerospace field

Prerequisites: 5-15 years professional experience

Duration and terms: 10 weeks

Notes: The European Consortium for Advanced Training in Aerospace is jointly run by the leading European aerospace industry and universities, supported by players from the operational, regulatory and research world.
Every year in 3 of the 7 european aerospace university (Cranfield University, Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, KTH Stockolm, Politecnico di Torino, Technical University Delft, Technical University Munich, Université Politecnique de Madrid ETSIAE)

Dedicated web site:


  • System Engineering, Programme Management, Production


  • 17 - Programme and Production Management: Project Management, Lean, Industrialization, Life Cycle, Ecodesign, Supply Chain, Assembly Line, Digital Transformation, Factory of the Future, Integration, Maintenance, Recycling, etc.
  • 19 - Business Engineering and Legal Issues: Laws and treaties, Space law, Regulations, Standards, Business Management, Finance, Managerial Monitoring, Costs, Purchasing, Macro and Micro Economics, Marketing, Contracts, Intellectual Property