Aerospace Education Catalogue

Master Télédétection et Géomatique Appliquées à l'Environnement (TGAE)

Course Details

Objectives: The program of the remote sensing and geomatics course applied to the environment aims to give students a high level of training in remote sensing (radiation, sensors, image processing) and in the field of information (geomatics), as well as the technical knowledge required to prepare them for engineering in companies whose activities involve geomatics, environmental and risk management and development of the Territory.

Intended for: Students

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements: Students hoder of e Licence (Bachelor) in Geography, Earth Sciences, Biology, Informatic.

Acquired skills during the training : This Master's degree gives students from various initial trainings (Geography, Earth Sciences, Biology, Physics, Computer Science) high-level teachings in Space Remote Sensing (radiation, sensors, image processing, photo interpretation , photogrammetry) and geomatics (GIS, mapping, geostatistics, digital mapping), as well as software engineering skills in these fields. This training prepares them for engineering in companies that develop and disseminate remote sensing products, or in design offices and local authorities whose activities concern environmental management, risk prevention and environmental and space management.

Duration and terms: 4 semesters

Partnerships with national organisations: See Comments

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences
  • Applications, Operations


  • 15 - Earth Observation: Remote Sensing, Detectors, Radar, Synthetic Aperture, Lidar, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Distribution/Dissemination, Geomatics...
  • 21 - Resource and Risk Management: Protection of Natural Resources and Environment, Land Use Planning, Biodiversity, Risks, Safety of Property and People, Space Surveillance and Situational Awareness, etc.