Objectives: The BUT QLIO trains specialties in the organization of the production of goods and services, the management of physical flows and information flows and the control of the quality of products and processes with solid skills in the fields of industrial management, continuous improvement and operational excellence.
The BUT QLIO training is organized around three blocks of skills:
- Managing the company through quality
- Managing physical flows and information flows
- Organizing production activities for goods or services
The first year is common to both courses. From the second year, students choose a 4th block of skills which represents the training course. The choice of course is made according to the student's personal and professional project. The 3 blocks of skills remain common over the 3 years.
At the end of their training, the BUT QLIO graduate is able to implement skills in various fields.
He carries out planning, resource management, item management and quality management missions across all sectors of the company: procurement, storage/warehousing, manufacturing, distribution, dismantling, recycling. He is able to carry out one or more activities to manage the production processes of goods and services, as part of improving performance in terms of cost, quality and deadlines in order to meet the requirements of internal or external customers. He implements progress approaches.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Targeted careers : Specifically for the "Organization and Supply Chain" course: Logistics manager/coordinator (scheduling, workshop layout, flow management, inventory, supplies), global supply chain manager, methods and industrialization manager, production monitoring, shipping, continuous improvement facilitator, performance facilitator.
Specifically for the "Digital Transformation Management" course: Information system project manager, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) data coordinator, responsible for improving documented information, analyst, integrator. Digital process coordinator - integrator.
Dedicated web site: https://formations.unistra.fr/fr/formations/but-BUT/but-qualite-logistique-industrielle-et-organisation-ME344.html