Objectives: The “Physical Measurements” senior technician works in a laboratory, in production or in a design office. Graduates are versatile and adaptable and can easily integrate into all sectors of industry, research and services: automotive, aeronautics, electronics, optics, materials, chemistry, energy, agri-food, environment, forensic science, etc. either directly after graduating from the IUT or following further studies.
The objective of the BUT Physical Measurements is to acquire, in addition to mastering the transversal tools of the engineer, the following skills:
Conduct a measurement campaign using a broad spectrum of knowledge
Deploy metrology and the quality approach
Implement a measurement and instrumentation chain
Characterize physical and chemical quantities and the properties of a material
Define specifications that meet a measurement need while mastering environmental, energy and sustainability issues.
The department will offer 2 differentiated courses from the second year:
- Instrumentation Techniques (TI) with an in-depth look at the design, implementation and characteristics of sensors, which make it possible to transform a physical quantity into an electronic quantity and at the techniques for acquiring the signal and then processing the information contained in this signal using electronics and industrial microcomputing. This course has long been one of the strong points of the Physical Measurements department of the IUT of Saint Denis.
- Environmental Measurements and Analysis (MAE) with an application of scientific resources to the analysis, metrology, instrumentation, regulation, and sampling of environmental quantities. The Physical Measurements department of the IUT of Saint Denis has chosen to focus more specifically on urban nuisances in the territory such as air pollution, environmental water pollution and also noise pollution.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Dedicated web site: https://iutsd.univ-paris13.fr/but-mesures-physiques/