Objectives: The BUT (Bachelor of University Technology) GEII “Automation and Industrial Computing” is the new reference diploma of the IUTs. It trains in 3 years a professional meeting the needs of companies in terms of automation and the production of intelligent equipment: automation, measurements, computing, networks, connected objects, electronics, management and conversion of electrical energy.
Through its coloring, this course focuses on automation and robotics, essential fields in the industrial production sector. With the digital revolution of the industry of the future, this course aims to make students capable of installing and programming automated systems (automatons, robots and vision systems) that ensure the management and control of industrial processes.
Students will discover what the industry of the future brings as a new way of organizing production resources, by placing digital technology (the Internet of Things [IoT], the digital twin, artificial intelligence, the Cloud, etc.) at the heart of manufacturing resources.
These communicating tools, thanks to the rise of new industrial computer networks, provide graduates with solutions for setting up control systems (supervision and Human-Machine Interface)
that allow assistance in operating installations, their monitoring, product traceability and energy consumption monitoring.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Dedicated web site: https://iutsd.univ-lorraine.fr/but-geii/