Objectives: Holders of the BUT Mechanical and Production Engineering are generalists in the mechanical industries, regardless of the sector of activity, capable of ensuring the marketing of a new product through the first three stages of its life cycle:
- Design to define the product
- Industrialization to develop manufacturing and assembly processes
- Industrial organization to organize production lines
Specificities of the training:
The needs of companies and society in terms of the environment are increasingly important. Do you want to train in these issues in order to respond to them as best as possible? The GMP department of the IUT Grand ouest Normandie has integrated eco-design and environmental management into its training since 2008. In addition, you will benefit from a teaching team available and close to you, with personalized monitoring (in particular in semester 1) and the setting up of support sessions supervised by 2nd and 3rd year students!
At the Alençon campus, you have at your disposal a Fablab equipped with, among other things, 3D printers and laser cutters.
Each year, the GMP department of the IUT
- Participates in Robot marcheur, the national competition for the design of walking robots, and organizes the regional final of the challenge!
- Is a resource center and organizes the regional selection of Course en cours, a national team challenge. The students of the BUT GMP supervise the teams of middle and high school students.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Dedicated web site: https://uniform.unicaen.fr/catalogue/formation/but/6761-bachelor-universitaire-de-technologie-genie-mecanique-et-productique?s=IUT&e=FI