Objectives: This new diploma aims to train staff from plastics processing companies in the field of eco-design of plastic materials, by integrating the environment from the product design phase, with a strong focus on the choice of materials, the design and recycling of the final part. It is therefore for this training
- to clearly respond to current challenges, both regulatory and strategic, to reach industrial markets
- to explain the notion of eco-design supplemented by the product life cycle approach and consideration of environmental impact, but mainly targeted on the product.
This training is above all pragmatic and is based on a specific professional context, emphasizing the implementation aspect of the approach. The program is frequently updated and enriched by external speakers from the profession.
This work-study training is supplemented by lessons in industrial organization: project management, quality management, IT tools, communication, technical-economic approach, bibliography & industrial monitoring
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Partnerships with national organisations: ISPA
Dedicated web site: https://offre-de-formations.univ-lyon1.fr/parcours-1086/eco-conception-et-matieres-plastiques.html
Dedicated web site : https://fs-chimie.univ-lyon1.fr ()