Objectives: The industrial maintenance degree course trains maintenance professionals capable of working in a context of profound technical and social changes. The generalization of digital tools in an industrial world 4.0, the rapid modernization of manufacturing processes imply that companies must benefit from personnel with advanced technical skills.
You will have the skills to set up and manage an industrial production system. You will know how to define and optimize manufacturing methods. You will be able to lead and supervise a team of technicians, plan the production of the different units based on orders and completion times, set up optimal conditions for carrying out the work and monitor its progress.
You will have the skills to manage material and product flows, design and create monitoring tools (dashboards, graphs, etc.).
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Partnerships with national organisations: Pôle formation UIMM Poitou-Charentes
Dedicated web site: https://www.cnam-nouvelle-aquitaine.fr/medias/uploads/alternance/industrie/licence_maintenance_industrielle/licence-maintenance-systemes-industriels.pdf