Objectives: The BUT Informatique aims to train general computer scientists. You will thus be able to participate in the design, creation and implementation of IT solutions. In order to be able to take charge of their entire design cycle, you will need to mobilize analysis and design skills, but also communication and teamwork.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: To access BUT, you must have obtained a baccalaureate
General, with specialties like
Digital and Computer Sciences (NSI)
Engineering Sciences (IS)
Technological, STI2D series, all specialties
The training is available on Parcoursup. The selection is made on file:
1st and 12th grade school report cards
Cover letter and professional project
Acquired skills during the training : With a BUT Informatique, you will become a generalist in the IT sector. You will be able to intervene at any time in the design, creation, and implementation of IT solutions, from the website to the mobile application, and in particular:
Carry out application development
Optimize computer applications
Administer complex communicating IT systems
Manage information data
Lead a project
Targeted careers : The careers open to you as a specialist in application design and development are:
Designer-developer of applications (mobile, web, connected objects, etc.)
Database, system and network administrator in small and medium-sized businesses
Web administrator
Project manager
Duration and terms: 3 years
Dedicated web site: https://uniform.unicaen.fr/catalogue/formation/but/6790-bachelor-universitaire-de-technologie-informatique