Objectives: The BUT Networks and Telecommunications aims to train senior technicians specializing in networks, telecommunications and programming related to the network.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Acquired skills during the training : The BUT Networks and Telecommunications allows you to acquire essential professional skills in professions related to networks:
Administer networks and internet
Connecting businesses and users
Program computer tools and applications for networks and telecommunications
As well as specific cybersecurity skills. In charge of a secure information system, you will be in particular responsible for its
Targeted careers : The BUT Networks and Telecommunications trains technicians specializing in networks, telecommunications and programming related to the network. In particular, you will be able to work as:
Network intervention technician
Systems and network administrator
Network security administrator
Assistant to the IT department manager
Operations manager
Network and communications and information systems architect
Network (cyber) security manager
Responsible for software and hardware maintenance for networks and/or telecommunications installations
Operations network deployment manager
Duration and terms: 3 years
Dedicated web site: https://uniform.unicaen.fr/catalogue/formation/but/6757-bachelor-universitaire-de-technologie-reseaux-et-telecommunications