Objectives: The Electrical Engineering and Industrial IT department (GEII) provides education with the objective of preparing its students for the roles of higher technicians in three years while offering them the opportunity to continue their studies following their personal and professional project developed in the first semester of training.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: Recruitment :
current general baccalaureate with scientific coloring and former Bacs S
technological baccalaureate STI2D and STL
undergraduate student holding one of these baccalaureates in reorientation
exceptional professional baccalaureate
Application on the Parcoursup portal
Selection on file and possibly supplemented by an interview.
Acquired skills during the training : He is also capable of understanding a project in its entirety. He knows how to examine the conditions of techno-economic feasibility.
Finally, he is prepared to work in a project team, which requires an ability to collaborate and manage his time, while working independently.
Targeted careers : The GEII graduate can also enter the job market at the end of their training, they will occupy positions such as:
technical framework in the fields of industrial IT and automation (studies and design, automated installation management, maintenance, quality control tests, etc.)
project manager
industrial IT developer
assistant business manager
project manager
business or study manager
maintenance manager
technical-commercial executive
assistant engineer
test manager
Duration and terms: 3 years
Dedicated web site: https://uniform.unicaen.fr/catalogue/formation/but/6763-bachelor-universitaire-de-technologie-genie-electrique-et-informatique-industrielle