Objectives: Train highly versatile senior technicians, that is to say capable of working on any element of an industrial production line: from the electrical cabinet, the motor, the actuators, the programmable controller, up to the supervision screen at the end of the line. But these technicians must also be able to diagnose the state of the production line to schedule, for example, maintenance operations in order to reduce downtime.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: Hold a scientific or technological baccalaureate and have consistent academic results in subjects such as maths, physics, baccalaureate specialty teaching, etc.
Acquired skills during the training : The BUT GIM graduate becomes a senior operational technician in the various departments of an industrial company such as:
maintenance service
production department
quality department
office methods
Targeted careers : The targeted professions are those of a senior technician in the industrial world:
maintenance technician
production technician
quality/safety technician
office planner methods...
Dedicated web site: https://uniform.unicaen.fr/catalogue/formation/but/6771-bachelor-universitaire-de-technologie-genie-industriel-et-maintenance