Objectives: The “Design Factory Nantes” is an interdisciplinary educational module inspired by Aalto University in Finland, on the design and prototyping of products and services to respond to transition issues – societal, environmental, industrial – encountered by socio-economic actors.
The alliance of techniques, design and human sciences is more than ever a way forward to place humans at the center of major societal and anthropological developments. This is the challenge that this degree proposes to take up, whose educational objectives are:
* to offer students methods and conceptual tools to think about and experiment with future services/products/objects/interaction methods. More specifically, it is about:
- opening students to an approach centered on humans, uses and a more holistic "thinking",
- offering students an opening to a set of more formalized methods related to technologies.
* allowing students to experiment with multidisciplinarity by working in a team around a project.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Acquired skills during the training : - analyze according to a “user experience” centered approach an intervention context combining design, engineering sciences and/or digital sciences
- design according to a “user experience” centered approach an innovative intervention combining design, engineering sciences and/or digital sciences
- manufacture prototypes to test an innovative intervention combining design, engineering sciences and/or digital sciences
- evaluate according to a “user experience” centered approach an innovative intervention combining design, engineering sciences and/or digital sciences
- monitor and manage an interdisciplinary project in conjunction with an external sponsor
Duration and terms: 175 hours. The training takes place in person on Tuesdays, from September to February
Notes: The program offered in association with the Nantes Atlantique EDNA School of Design (master's cycle)
Dedicated web site: https://polytech.univ-nantes.fr/fr/les-formations/formation-continue/du-design-factory