Objectives: Training of professionals mastering georeferencing tools, data processing software (satellite or aerial), geographic information software (GIS), capable of leading cross-functional projects and leading a team.
Intended for: - Students with level of French Bac+2
- Workers wishing update their knowledge in geomatics
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Prerequisites: - DUT Biological engineering, Civil engineering, Telecommunications and network engineering, Hygiene - Safety - Environment, Computer science, Statistics and computer processing of data.
- BTS surveyor, topographer, agricultural, forestry, building-public works, water management, spatial planning, transport, tourism, graphic industries, IT, physics, biology, earth sciences.
- L2 or equivalent in computer science, SVT, economics, geography.
Acquired skills during the training : - Identify the areas of application of geomatics
- Master the tools for analyzing spatial information for development in natural and urban environments and represent the results in cartographic form
- Process, interpret and use remote sensing images acquired by satellites, planes or drones, for applications in rural and urban areas
- Programming for the creation and development of databases or for webmapping applications
- Enter the professional environment
Targeted careers : Professional integration in many areas of geomatics and geographic information systems (GIS) for regional planning.
Sectors of activity: Agriculture, IT, land use planning, environment, cartography, topography, remote sensing, image processing, programming, geographic information system
Professions: Geomatician, cartographer, draftsman, topographer, GIS technician, DBMS installer
Duration and terms: one year including 14 weeks as internship
Partnerships with national organisations: CCI du Gers
Dedicated web site: https://iut-gbio-auch.univ-tlse3.fr/lp-ggat