Objectives: With ICM training, the School reaffirms its ambition to train future leaders and managers with an international profile in the service of the economic and industrial development of our country.
The program includes several types of educational activities.
The common core in the 4 major scientific fields (mathematics, computer science, physics, economics and management sciences).
Modern languages: 2 compulsory including English, a 3rd is possible under certain conditions.
Elective courses: “toolboxes” (tools and methods for engineers); 5 choices to make from 35 possibilities.
Courses opening up the world (intercultural, sustainable development, humanities) and business issues (job, skills, sectors of activity): 8 modules spread over the 3 years.
The professionalization path made up of 2 disciplinary majors and a societal challenge for the future.
Internships: 1 per year.
Common thread projects: 1 per semester from S6.
Personalized support: 8 meetings throughout the course to help each student evaluate their progress, make the right choices and build their professional project.
These educational activities are organized as follows:
The professionalization path
By combining 2 majors and 1 societal challenge, you have the possibility of building a course corresponding exactly to your aspirations. The consistency of your choices is guaranteed by the personalized monitoring (10 meetings throughout the course) of your educational advisor.
2 choices among 10 majors
- Industrial and territorial environment
- Production and logistics management
- Business management and finance
- Data Science
- Computer science
- Biomedical engineering
- Energy processes
- Materials
- Mechanical
- Electronics of cyberphysical systems
1 choice from 8 societal challenges
- Energetic transition
- Intelligent transport and mobility
- Levers and management of industrial renewal
- Design, creation and innovation
- Eco conception
- Big data
- Personalized health and medicine
- Nanotechnologies
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Dedicated web site: https://www.mines-stetienne.fr/formation/icm/