BUT Mesures Physiques
- Organisation: IUT de Bourges
(Université d'Orléans) - Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning - Sandwich/Apprenticeship training
- Language(s): French
- Place: Bourges (French Regions: Centre-Val de Loire)
- Prepared diploma/grade/title: BUT (three-year technological university degree)
- Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 0
- This training is included in RNCP / RS
Course Details
Objectives: The aim of the Physical Measurements GOAL is to:
- train versatile senior technicians who design, carry out and operate all types of measurements in the fields of physics, chemistry, materials, electronics, IT, optics, mechanics, etc. He is involved in R&D , in Production, in Control/Quality. This diploma is sought after by many companies.
- allow continued studies in an Engineering School on file, MASTER (Continuation Study result)
Two routes are offered in Bourges:
MCPC: Materials and Physico-Chemical Controls
TI: Instrumentation Techniques
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Dedicated web site: https://www.univ-orleans.fr/fr/iut-bourges/formation/sciences-industrie/mesures-physiques
- 1 - Environment and Physical Measurement: Radiation, Particles, Solar Wind, Debris, Mechanical and Thermal environment, Aerology, Meteorology, Climate, Environmental Measurements and Analysis, Physico-chemical Analysis, Sensors, Metrology, Vacuum Techniques, etc.
- 3 - Mechanical and Materials Engineering: Solid Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Composites, Metallurgy, Forming, Additive Manufacturing, Metamaterials, Processes, Plastics, Chemistry, Polymers, Surface Treatment, etc.
- 7 - Embedded/Cyberphysical Systems: Embedded Networks, Real Time Systems, Formal Methods, Embedded Software, Avionics, Instrumentation...