Objectives: The route " Aerodynamics and Aéroacoustique " of this speciality allows to :
- Train in the research activities with character fundamental and applied in the field of the aerodynamics and of the aéroacoustique.
- Master the physical models and the methods of digital simulation associated.
- Know how to apply the knowledge acquired in industrial problems, in particular in the field of the aeronautical or ground transport.
Intended for: Students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: Engineering school students (third year) ou students holders of Master 1
Duration and terms: one year: 6 months training courses and 6 months internships
Notes: Skills acquired:
- Strong knowledge in Aerodynamics, Flow Instability, Aeroacoustics
- Ability to use critical tools for numerical simulation and physical models.
- Ability to develop new models and numerical methods
- Ability to model, simulate and analyze aerodynamic / aeroacoustic problems difficult in an industrial context and / or research.
- Ability to effectively write technical or scientific documents and to present orally the results.
Opportunity: The Master is the best way to access a thesis and then to higher education or a career in research in public research bodies or private, or to jobs R & D in large companies France or abroad. The sectors concerned are the aviation industry, aerospace and automotive, production machines for the conversion of energy, industrial processes.
- R & D Engineer
- Teacher-researcher
- Researcher
Advantages of training:
-Access to a field of research, in conjunction with a strategic sector of the industry.
-Ability to work on innovative topics, often in collaboration with industrial partners.
- Possibility of internships in the R & D departments of large enterprises.
- Possibility to stay in prestigious universities abroad.
Dedicated web site: https://artsetmetiers.fr/en/fluids-and-energy-systems-m2
Dedicated web site : https://dp-www.s3.ensam.eu/public/Formations/Masters%20Recherche/Sp%C3%A9cialit%C3%A9s%20de%20M2/FSE/MR-FOND-APP-AA-Presentation_2015.pdf ()