Objectives: The materials engineering apprenticeship course trains versatile engineers who are experts in materials and capable of developing innovative products and structures. It strengthens the link with the industrial fabric and responds to a well-identified need for engineers who can develop their own techniques and skills.
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Acquired skills during the training :
1. Choose, implement and characterize materials to respond to a notebook
loads in an industrial context
2. Prototype, test, validate and optimize the performance of materials and products
or complex structures
3. Define, design, carry out and manage the development, fine-tuning,
deployment of new solutions and writing technical documentation
4. Ensure technical monitoring, control and maintain mechanical systems or
industrial structures
5. Analyze and assess, identify the needs of the company or industry or
of users or customers of technical innovation or their needs for developments
for purposes of innovation
6. Collaborate with engineers, in multidisciplinary or international teams,
within the framework of projects
Targeted careers :
Project manager engineer,
R&D engineer,
Design engineer,
Materials engineer,
Production engineer,
Test engineer,
Technical framework in R&D in the mechanical industry, innovation in materials,
Technical framework for design, mechanical production, processes
Development of materials.
Notes: This training is registered with the RNCP: Yes File code RNCP39062
Dedicated web site: https://seatech.univ-tln.fr/Formation-d-ingenieurs-Materiaux-par-apprentissage.html