Objectives: The Space Command, the School of Air and Space and ISAE-SUPAERO, forming a consortium created in 2023 the Space Defense Academy (ASD), have organized a seminar dedicated to the challenges of spatial. This seminar covering the entire space spectrum offered a holistic synthesis of the challenges to be met in the fields of technology, military and space operations.
Over two days, taking place partly on the sites of the School of Air and Space, in Salon-de-Provence and that of ISAE-SUPAERO, in Toulouse, at the end of 2023. This seminar highlighted the perspectives and challenges of the space environment, addressing major themes such as space surveillance, Earth observation, launchers, in-orbit services, space data processing, security. and economic and geopolitical changes.
Duration and terms: end of 2023 in Toulouse and in Salon-de-Provence
Dedicated web site: https://www.isae-supaero.fr/fr/formations/academie-spatiale-de-defense-882#Le-seminaire-de-l-Academie-Spatiale-de-Defense
Dedicated web site : http://www.formations-spatiales.fr/fr/organismes/776.htm (formations de l 'Academie Spatiale de Défense)