Objectives: The automobile is experiencing a revolution: Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electrified. Mobility is growing and changing to become Multimodal or Intermodal. The customer is now at the heart of the connected vehicle. Data and Artificial Intelligence generate many other services. These revolutions are disrupting organizations: new uses, new professions. Technology and engineering are at the heart of these changes. The ECE created the Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Major to respond to this.
As part of ECE engineering training, the Connected & Autonomous Vehicle major aims to train engineers to meet the technological challenges of the automotive sector. The Autonomous Vehicle training module is produced jointly by PSA & Renault. This collaboration is unique in France. The ECE participates in the automobile investment plan.
Intended for: students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Targeted careers :
• Hardware design engineer
• Software design engineer
• System Engineer
• Functional safety engineer
• Validation engineer
• Engineer in Artificial Intelligence
• Data Scientist Engineer
• Application Engineer
Notes: 1st year of the engineering cycle in Paris, Lyon and in Bordeaux (from the start of the 2023 academic year)
Dedicated web site: https://www.ece.fr/program/majeure-vehicule-connecte-autonome/