Objectives: En 5 ans (licence + master), le cursus a pour objectif de former des cadres techniques dans les domaines de l'instrumentation pour la physique des rayonnements. Il s’appuie sur l'expertise des laboratoires CELIA, LOMA et CENBG dans la détection, la métrologie et la modélisation des rayonnements. La physique étudiée (moléculaire, atomique et nucléaire) couvre un large spectre allant de la physique des micro-ondes, jusqu'à l'optique et les rayonnements ionisants. Les débouchés concernent des missions de cadres dans la Recherche & Développement, dans la direction d'équipes techniques, dans la consultance pour l'expertise et le contrôle d'installations industrielles ou médicales.
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Acquired skills during the training : Instrumentation and physical measurements
Detection, measurement and modeling of radiation
Radiation-matter interaction
Physics of lasers, microwaves, ionizing radiation
Targeted careers : The CMI prepares for engineering positions in:
Research & Development
the management of technical or commercial teams
expertise and control of industrial or medical facilities
In the following sectors:
Physical instrumentation and innovative technologies
Optics: laser physics, photonics, spectroscopy, microscopy, etc.
Nuclear: radiation protection, dismantling, expertise (industrial or medical), calculation
Business engineering and management: industrial marketing, technical-commercial engineering of products based on innovative technologies
Duration and terms: Training in 5 years, divided into 10 semesters
For 3 years, students follow the teachings of the Physics option of the Science and Technology license. Then, for 2 years, they follow the Nuclear Instrumentation or CUCIPhy professional course in the Fundamental Physics and Applications section of the Science and Technology master's degree. Each semester, the course is reinforced (+6 ECTS) according to the FIGURE network reference system.
Dedicated web site: https://physique.u-bordeaux.fr/Nos-Formations/Cursus-Master-Ingenierie-CMI-Physique-rayonnements-et-instrumentation