Objectives: This diploma, offered only in apprenticeship training, aims to meet the national challenges of relocating production and reindustrialization. In this context, the need for engineers capable of designing, implementing, maintaining and managing production tools is great. The SUPMICROTECH engineer specializing in mechanics, with his solid technical and managerial skills in the fields of production and the industry of the future, is able to meet these challenges.
The objective of this certification is to graduate engineers who can work in the fields of industrialization and production in the service of industrial performance, particularly in the metallurgy, transport and microtechnology sectors. This engineer can also provide his expertise in quality management and continuous improvement.
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements:
This training is accessible to students holding a Bac + 2 type diploma (BUT, BTS,
Licence) or from a CPGE or CPES course, after admission on qualifications and interviews. An
apprenticeship contract is required to register for training
Targeted careers :
Management and engineering methods and industrialization in mechanical production systems
- Organize and coordinate the manufacturing or industrialization project
- Design and define manufacturing processes and develop manufacturing or industrialization projects and files
- Control the application of procedures and analyze production activity data (return rate, manufacturing time, etc.)
- Identify malfunctions, development needs and determine corrective actions with production, quality, design offices, etc.
- Define or supervise the performance of tests, manufacturing trials, production (assembly, prototype, pre-series, etc.)
- Evaluate and quantify manufacturing times and costs
- Supervise installations or industrial transfers (dismantling, assembly of production resources, production lines, etc.)
Management and production engineering in mechanical production systems
- Monitor and develop production planning according to flows, deadlines,
supply, ...
- Monitor and analyze the production data of an installation and determine the corrective
- Define the methods of industrialization of productions and coordinate the
operation of equipment and installations by tests, trials, ...
- Supervise and control the conformity of processes, materials and incoming or
outgoing products according to orders, references
- Establish production reports, propose developments and improvements
of organization, productivity, logistics
- Coordinate and plan maintenance interventions according to the
Production requirements
Management and engineering of industrial maintenance
- Organize and schedule maintenance operations and monitor their completion
- Develop or develop ranges, procedures for maintenance interventions
- Supervise the conformity of interventions and the operation of equipment,
materials and installations (receptions, tests, trials, adjustments, ...)
- Analyze maintenance data, malfunctions (history, breakdowns, ...),
diagnose the causes and determine corrective actions
- Identify technical solutions for improving equipment and installations (quality,
capability, cycles, safety, etc.)
- Prepare maintenance reports (costs, deadlines, etc.), identify and recommend
developments and improvements (organizations, tools, materials, equipment, etc.)
- Evaluate equipment downtime, intervention duration, cost and resources
Partnerships with national organisations: CFAI
Dedicated web site: https://www.supmicrotech.fr/formation-mecanique