Objectives: To train multi-skilled engineers, experts of numerical and data sciences, able to design and develop complex automated and inovative embedded systems
Intended for: IUT GEII, networks and telecommunications (R&T), computer sciences and Physical Measures, bachelor, CPGE, BTS
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Prerequisites: Scientific background
Admission requirements: Licence 3 or BUT or BTS, CPGE
Acquired skills during the training :
1. Define the necessary hardware and infrastructure, the overall architecture and the
elementary components or blocks of new application solutions
IT, innovative services or complex embedded systems and
autonomous based on computing and embedded electronics, intelligence
artificial, learning and automatic decision
2. Prototype, test, validate and optimize the performance of a part or the
totality of software applications, innovative services or embedded systems
complex and autonomous
3. Carry out and manage the development and fine-tuning of new solutions
software applications, innovative services or embedded systems
complex and autonomous and write the related technical documentation
4. Deploy solutions, provide support and technical monitoring, control and
maintain complex standalone systems or software applications
5. Identify problems, even if they are unfamiliar and or incompletely defined,
model them numerically and solve them
6. Analyze and assess, identify the needs of society or the industry or
of users or customers in new software applications, services
innovative or new complex and autonomous embedded systems or their
development needs for innovation purposes
7. Collaborate with or lead engineers or multidisciplinary teams or even
international organizations on innovation projects or software applications,
innovative services, complex and autonomous embedded systems
Targeted careers :
Studies and development engineer
Software development engineer
Big Data Engineer
Consulting Engineer or Consultant
Embedded systems engineers/embedded computing
IT and Robotics Project Manager
Integrator of new technologies
Duration and terms: Three years
Alternance contract, continuous control
Notes: RNCP code 37901
Dedicated web site: https://seatech.univ-tln.fr/Formation-d-ingenieurs-en-systemes-numeriques-par-apprentissage.html