Objectives: Training in environmental and planning professions involving mastery of concepts, methods and techniques related to the management of geographic information: project management, resource management, decision support, expertise.
Intended for: The Master's degree is aimed at students and professionals who are already competent in a
first thematic area (Agronomy, Planning, Geography, Management, IT,
Life and Earth Sciences, Urban Planning, etc.) to whom mastery of georeferenced
information provides a decisive advantage in terms of first employment or career development.
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Prerequisites: To enter M1: candidates must hold a Bachelor's degree (bac +3) or equivalent,
in particular one of the following specializations (non-exhaustive list): Geography and planning;
Life sciences; Earth sciences; Life and earth sciences; Computer science; Engineering
To enter M2: SIGMA is open to candidates with initial skills in geomatics,
in particular in GIS, remote sensing, cartography, database design, programming
(python), web development and holders of one of the following diplomas: Master 1 / Master's degree in Geography, MST and IUP in Planning, MIAGe, Engineering Diploma in Agronomy, in
Computer science or justifying a Bac + 4 level from the Grandes Écoles d'Ingénieurs, Other diplomas with a Bac + 4 equivalence validated by the Commission des Titres of the authorized establishment. Candidates who do not hold one of the previous diplomas, but who can demonstrate professional activity likely to confer them an equivalent qualification, may be authorized to register following a decision by the professional skills validation committee (VAP).
Admission requirements: Pre-selection: student records and interview in front of an examining board.
Acquired skills during the training : - Implementation of geomatics methods, techniques and tools (IS, GIS, satellite image processing, interactive mapping, programming, database design, spatial analysis, spatio-temporal modeling and simulation, graphic design, decision support, global positioning techniques, data quality).
- Design, implementation and supervision of geomatics, IT, cartographic and webmapping applications
- Analysis of complex planning, agronomy and environmental management issues
- Implementation and reorganization of geomatics solutions in the indicated application sectors
- Project management and interface between the various services, producers and users
- Monitoring the sustainability of solutions (cataloguing, metadata, interoperability, standardization) and their traceability
- Generation of prospective scenarios as a decision support and risk prevention tool.
- Conduct and control all operations relating to the design, implementation and interpretation of geomatics applications in the fields of planning, agronomy and environmental management
- Design geomatics solutions
- Manage projects, conduct research and carry out expertise in the geomatics field
Notes: RNCP 34852 card - Validity 20/06/2025 -
see details
Dedicated web site: http://sigma.univ-toulouse.fr
Dedicated web site : https://www.univ-tlse2.fr/accueil/formation-insertion/master-sigma (UT2J)