Objectives: Focused on innovation and technological development, the B.U.T. Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing trains the actors of the world of tomorrow in three years.
It transmits knowledge and helps develop skills to work in the fields of the city and industry of the future, smart and connected networks, transport and electromobility, aeronautics, renewable energies, management and distribution of energy, health, audiovisual, robotics, space, etc.
Obviously, this business-oriented knowledge and skills are accompanied by solid foundations in the more transversal and essential disciplines of mathematics, communication, physics and English.
In addition to a common core, you will choose a progressive specialization from the second year, in line with your skills and aspirations:
Automation and Industrial Computing (AII): Supervision / Human-Machine interface / robotics / vision / industrial production / industry 4.0 / internet of things / cybersecurity ...
Electricity and Energy Management (EME): Production, distribution, installation, conversion, storage of energy / urban transport, rail, aeronautics / electrified vehicles / safety of industrial systems / efficiency and energy transition ...
Electronics and Embedded Systems (ESE): Analysis, design, production, installation, maintenance of communicating, autonomous, electronic and digital embedded systems / home automation / robotics / transport / audiovisual / health, etc.
Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Notes: The students of the B.U.T. who follow work-study training are spread over various sectors of activity within companies such as: THALES, EDF, ENEDIS, SNCF, RTE, SAFRAN, DASSAULT, FORD, Cimenterie CALCIA, SUEZ ...
They occupy positions of business managers, facilitators, technicians in electrical control, robotics, automation, deployment of databases, networks, etc.
Dedicated web site: https://www.iut.u-bordeaux.fr/geii/but/