Aerospace Education Catalogue

Master mention Géographie, aménagement, environnement et développement parcours Environnement, Territoires et Acteurs (ETA)

Course Details

Objectives: The major objective of the ETA Course is to train very versatile people, able to dialogue with specialists and to act as an interface between engineers, elected officials, state representatives, associations and citizens. At the end of the ETA Master, graduates are thus able to understand environmental processes, to request and then analyze expertise, and to produce, using cartographic tools and current spatial technologies, synthetic and accessible data intended for decision-makers.

Intended for: Titulaires d'une licence en Géographie, Biologie, Sciences de la Vie, Ecologie, Sciences environnementales.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Acquired skills during the training : During the training, students acquire a multidisciplinary knowledge base in the field of the environment: knowledge of natural or semi-natural environments and their functioning, legal, economic, sociological approaches ... which allow them to identify the issues environmental issues in a territory. For these engineers, it is not a question of analyzing the functioning of environmental systems, but of understanding these analyzes in order to integrate them into a consultation / decision process within the framework of regional planning. From a sustainable development perspective, students are thus particularly trained to deal with local governance issues. A good part of the teaching gives them a strong competence in geomatics (GIS, cartography, remote sensing, etc.), evaluation procedures, data analysis, survey techniques, consultation (understanding and mastery of the stakeholder games).

Targeted careers : The fields of professional integration targeted are in particular: Local authorities, State services or public establishments in charge of environmental issues (Departmental Directorates of Territories and the Sea, Regional Directorates of the Environment, Planning and Housing, French Agency for Biodiversity, Water Agencies, Territorial Public Establishments of Basin, Consular Bodies, etc.), Offices of Sensitive Natural Spaces of Departments, Consulting in Architecture, Urban Planning and Environment, Environmental Services of Industries and Companies , Environmental design offices, Regional or national natural parks, Nature reserves, Organic farming federations, associations involved in environmental issues.

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences
  • Applications, Operations


  • 15 - Earth Observation: Remote Sensing, Detectors, Radar, Synthetic Aperture, Lidar, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Distribution/Dissemination, Geomatics...
  • 21 - Resource and Risk Management: Protection of Natural Resources and Environment, Land Use Planning, Biodiversity, Risks, Safety of Property and People, Space Surveillance and Situational Awareness, etc.