Aerospace Education Catalogue

ESA GNSS Data Processing Book - TM-23

  • Organisation: ESA
  • Type of Course: Life-long learning - Distance learning
  • Language(s): English
  • Place: self-learning course

Course Details

Objectives: this two-volume book contains a self-learning course and software tools aimed at providing the necessary background to start work in an operative way in GNSS navigation. The books are focused on the instrumental use of concepts and techniques involved in GNSS navigation and include all the elements needed to understand how the system works and how to work with it. After working through the two volumes, students should be able to develop their own tools for high-accuracy navigation, implementing the algorithms and expanding the skills learned.

The first volume (8MB) is devoted to theory, providing a summary of GNSS fundamentals and algorithms. The second volume (28 MB) is devoted to laboratory exercises, with a wide range of selected practical examples going further into the theoretical concepts and their practical implementation. The exercises have been developed with a specialised software package (the ESA/U PC gLAB educational SW, on a CD (487 MB)) and selected data files are provided for the laboratory sessions.

Intended for: This is an end-to-end GNSS course addressed to all professionals and students who wish to undertake a deeper study of satellite navigation, targeting the GNSS data processing and analysis issues.

Dedicated web site:


  • Applications, Operations


  • 13 - Localization, Positioning, Mobility: Navigation, Guidance, Radiofrequency Aids (ILS, VOR, etc.), GNSS, Location Based Services (LBS), Mobility, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Transportation, etc.