Aerospace Education Catalogue

ESA/JRC International Summerschool on GNSS

  • Organisations :
  • Type of Course: Life-long learning - short courses (advanced)
  • Language(s): English
  • Place: Europe (French Regions: Europe)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Certificate of participation (Notification of training attendance/completion)
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 3

Course Details

Objectives: It is the objective of this Summer School to provide the attendees with a comprehensive overview on satellite navigation, starting from the GNSS system, its signals, the processing of the observations in a receiver and finally determining the position-navigation-time (PNT) solution. Many lab work will be carried out to get attendees really “hands-on”. In addition, lectures on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Patents as well as on business aspects are given. The future of satellite systems is also discussed. Main emphasis will be put on the development of a group project using innovative ideas and covering all aspects from the idea, business plan, technical realisation till the marketing of the product or the service.

Internationally renowned scientists and specialists will give the lectures as well as the practical exercises and lab work. The program is open to graduate students (with a first university degree), Ph.D. candidates, early-stage researchers and young professional willing to broaden their knowledge. Registrations are limited to 60 participants and will be accepted on a first come / first serve principle.

Intended for: students or young professionals

Admission requirements: Non-starter students or a few years of experience for young professionals.

Duration and terms: The 16th edition of the European Space Agency (ESA)-Joint Research Centre (JRC) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Summer School will be held in Arachova, Greece from 14 to 25 July 2025.

Dedicated web site:


  • Applications, Operations


  • 12 - Information and Communications Technologies: Telecommunications, Modulation/Coding, Software Defined Radio (SDR), Multimedia, Networks and Protocols, Internet, IoT/Connected Objects, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Information Systems, Teleservices,....
  • 13 - Localization, Positioning, Mobility: Navigation, Guidance, Radiofrequency Aids (ILS, VOR, etc.), GNSS, Location Based Services (LBS), Mobility, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Transportation, etc.
  • 14 - Aeronautical and Space Vehicles: Aircraft, Balloons, Drones, Launch vehicles, Satellites, Cubsats, High Altitude Platforms, Landers, Rovers, Manned Flights, etc.
  • 21 - Resource and Risk Management: Protection of Natural Resources and Environment, Land Use Planning, Biodiversity, Risks, Safety of Property and People, Space Surveillance and Situational Awareness, etc.