MOOC Imagery, Automation, and Applications (4/5) - UCDAVIS, US
- Organisation: Coursera - on-line courses
- Type of Course: Life-long learning - E-learning (mooc, spoc, wikis ...)
- Language(s): English
- Place: on-line course (French Regions: Organisme en ligne)
- Prepared diploma/grade/title: CES: Certificate of Advanced Studies (from a higher education institution)
Course Details
Objectives: This course is part of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialization and is offered by the University of California, UCDAVIS, US.
Admission requirements: Beginner
Acquired skills during the training : Geographic Information System (GIS)
Imagery Analysis
Spatial Analysis
satellite imagery
Gis Applications
Duration and terms: 28 h
Dedicated web site:
- 10 - Control Systems, Robotics, Guidance and Control, Autonomous Systems
- 11 - Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Modelling, Optimisation, Digital and Data Sciences, Big Data, Cryptography, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence
- 15 - Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, GIS, Geomatics