Objectives: The Industrial Engineering specialty is based in particular on Computer Engineering and Automation, expanded in human sciences and management. It makes it possible to understand complex technical and human systems in their entirety, to analyze them, model them, simulate them, develop them and optimize them. These skills find their applications in a wide variety of sectors (industrial production, automation, logistics, quality management, diagnosis and maintenance, management of information systems around SPBS).
Intended for: Students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: 1st year: Scientific baccalaureate S specialties: Maths + Physical sciences or Maths + Engineering sciences or Maths + Numerical and computer sciences or Maths + SVT
2nd year: L1 scientist, 1st engineering school post-bac, 1st year CPGE
3rd year: DUT, 2nd year CPGE, L2, L3, ATS
4th year: M1, course compatible with the specialty
Acquired skills during the training : 1) at the level of the SPBS information system:
• operate the information system, from the programmable controller to the integrated management software package or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) which makes it possible to manage the databases relating to products or customers, but also production, maintenance, quality, projects…
• understand the hardware (sensor, robot, flexible cell, production chain, supply chain, etc.) and software (JAVA, SQL, Matlab, R, Labview, etc.) aspects;
2) at the level of Design and Management of SPBS:
• take into account criteria relating to dependability, reliability, maintenance, production quality, ergonomics or ecology (life cycle management of SPBS or products, in particular),
• analyze, model and optimize SPBS using the tools of Operational Research, Artificial Intelligence or Statistics.
Targeted careers : The Industrial Engineering specialty includes two 120-hour courses during the first semester of the 5th year around the digital factory, or E-logistics.
Duration and terms: 5 years, 4 years, 3 years or 2 years depending on the entry cycle
Partnerships with national organisations: INSA
Dedicated web site: http://www.insa-hdf.fr