Aerospace Education Catalogue

Ingénieur INSA Hauts-de-France - Spécialité Génie Industriel (en apprentissage)

  • Organisation: INSA Hauts-de-France
    (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France)
  • Type of Course: Sandwich/Apprenticeship training
  • Language(s): French
  • Place: Valenciennes (French Regions: Hauts-de-France)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Diplôme d’ingénieur (French national engineering degree)
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 0
  • VAE (Validation of Acquired Experiences): Yes
  • This training is included in RNCPRS

Course Details

Objectives: The specificity of engineers "Industrial Engineering" results from a strong impregnation of industrial culture, induced by the rhythm of the alternation training during which are successively developed scientific, then technical, then managerial skills.

A deepening is proposed from the 4th year, with the choice: "Production - Logistics", "Proactive Maintenance and Railway Applications", "Quality - Hygiene - Safety - Environment" and "Factory of the Future".

Intended for: Students

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements: 1st year: Scientific baccalaureate S specialties: Maths + Physical sciences or Maths + Engineering sciences or Maths + Numerical and computer sciences or Maths + SVT
2nd year: L1 scientist, 1st engineering school post-bac, 1st year CPGE
3rd year: DUT, 2nd year CPGE, L2, L3, ATS, BTS
4th year: M1 course compatible with the specialty

Acquired skills during the training : • organize and supervise the scheduling, planning and management of production, with the aim of optimizing and coordinating product and information flows, according to the needs and requirements of costs, deadlines and quality;
• contribute to the development and implementation of the concepts, tools and techniques of the Factory of the Future;
• organize and supervise the maintenance activities and interventions of one or more departments of the company (mechanics, electricity, electronics, automation, hydraulics, pneumatics ...), with the aim of making production means and tools more reliable, by respecting safety, hygiene and environmental standards, as well as productivity and quality requirements.

Duration and terms: 5 years, 4 years, 3 years or 2 years depending on the entry cycle

Partnerships with national organisations: INSA

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences


  • 16 - System Engineering, Product Assurance and Safety, Qualification/Testing, Validation & Verification, Metrology, Certification
  • 17 - Project Management, Production, Industrialization, Factory of the Future, Integration, Supply Chain, Maintenance, Recycling
  • 21 - Natural Resources and Environment Management/Protection, Infrastructures